ArgIQ is a non-profit Civil Association whose objective is to disseminate, through academic activities, the Information Quality methodology in Argentina and Spanish-speaking countries.

Information is valuable, it is the pillar of decision making. The Information Quality methodology provides us with new tools for management, creating a new concept from data collection to its transformation into information and intelligence.

All planning process is aimed at decision, therefore, the information that feeds it requires adequate treatment.

The accumulation of intelligence is organizational power to face the future.

There, in this scenario, is that ArgIQ brings a new vision to information management and planning methods in all types of organizations.

Applying this work methodology, and given the professional training of ArgIQ members, we carry out research and other academic activities in various areas, such as Bioethics, Biosafety, Chemical and Biological Weapons, Export Control of Dual and Strategic Materials, Defense, Strategy and Problem-Solving Methodology.

ArgIQ members are trained to advise organizations in the implementation of different tools, including information quality, to improve their management.



Espona, M. J. (2021). Interdisciplinary integrated tools to problem solving: How to apply to writing a thesis and planning a research. International Journal of Science Annals, 4(2), 47-49. https://doi.org/10.26697/ijsa.2021.2.5

Espona, María J. (2021). Early warning and disease surveillance: a new model. ISECON 2021. Available at: http://proceedings.isecon.org/

Espona, María J. (2021). International legal framework on disease outbreaks and surveillance: an analysis and steps forward. International conference "Actual issues of biological safety in modern conditions", September 22-23, Hybrid format: Kazakhstan and virtual.

Espona, María J. (2021). Book Review: Neuroscience and the Problem of Dual Use - Neuroethics in the New Brain Research Projects, Dr Malcolm R Dando, Springer. CBRNe WORLD December 2020.

Espona, María J. (2020). Rethinking the Future of Education. International Journal of Education and Science, 3(2), *-*. doi:10.26697/ijes.2020.2.* http://ijes.culturehealth.org/ index.php/en/arhiv/current-issue

Espona, María J. (2018). Brotes de enfermedades y guerra biológica: un enfoque sistémico. en ARMAZA ARMAZA/CUADRADO RUIZ, El Derecho frente al Bioterrorismo y otras amenazas biológicas, Granada, España.

Espona, María J. (2017). Helping students to solve research problems: an interdisciplinary perspective. Current issues of education and science. Collection of scientific articles. Issue 2017 UDC 167.33:, DOI 10.26697/9786177089000.2017.58

Espona, María J. (2016). Interdisciplinary Integrated Tools to Problem Solving:A Short Course. US-China Education Review A, November 2016, Vol. 6, No. 11, 633-641

Espona, María J. (2016). Interdisciplinary Integrated Tools to Problem Solving: A Short Course, 32nd ISECON. Disponible en: http://proceedings.isecon.org/

Espona, María J. (2016). Estudio del marco jurídico en materia de terrorismo biológico: un efoque sistémico. Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos, Documento Marco 14/2016, 12/8/2016. Available at: http://www.ieee.es/en/Galerias/ fichero/docs_marco/2016/DIEEEM14-2016_ Marco Juridico_Terrorismo_Armas Biologicas_MJEspona.pdf

Espona, María J. (2016). FARCing about. CBRNe World, Feb2016.

Espona, María J. (2016). Book Review: Chemical ControlRegulation of incapacitatingchemical agent weapons, riot controlagents and their means of deliveryBy Michael Crowley. CBRNe World, Feb2016.

Espona, María J. (2015). Teaching Information Quality to Professionals in Intelligence Government Agencies- 32th ISECON, Orlando (EEUU)

Espona, María J. (2014). ArgIQ – Information Quality in Argentina. Presentación realizada en el Plenario de la 19ava Conferencia de Estados Parte de la Convención de Armas Químicas.

Espona, María J. (2014). ArgIQ perspective and researches on chemical weapons. Presentación realizada en el evento "CWCC Open Forum" en el marco de la 19ava Conferencia de Estados Parte de la Convención de Armas Químicas.

Espona, María J. (2014). Calidad de Información: una nueva herramienta para la investigación. VII Congreso del IRI, I Congreso del CoFEI, II Congreso de la FLAEI. (La Plata, Argentina)

Espona, María J. (2014). Calidad de Información: una herramienta cuali-cuantitativa. I Congreso de Investigación Cualitativa en Ciencias Sociales- I Post Congreso ICIQ (Córdoba, Argentina)

Espona, María J. (2014). Enfermedades causadas por agentes de Guerra biológica en América del Sur. Un estudio de caso de aplicación de la metodología de Calidad de Información.I Congreso de Investigación Cualitativa en Ciencias Sociales- I Post Congreso ICIQ (Córdoba, Argentina)

Espona, María J. (2014). Winning the battle against emerging pathogens: An Argentine response. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Volume 70 Issue 4, July 2014

Espona, María J. (2014). Spotlight on South America. Development and disarmament roudtable: How to confront emerging pathogens. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. http://thebulletin.org/how-confront-emerging-pathogens7032 (last access 23/6/2014)

Espona, María J. (2014). Planning for the entire disease lifecycle. Development and disarmament roudtable: How to confront emerging pathogens. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. http://thebulletin.org/how-confront-emerging-pathogens7032 (last access 15/5/2014)

Espona, María J. (2014). Making bad data good. Development and disarmament roudtable: How to confront emerging pathogens. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. http://thebulletin.org/how-confront-emerging-pathogens7032 (last access 15/5/2014)

Espona, María J. (2013). Materiales de uso dual para la fabricación de Armas de Destrucción Masiva: ¿Representa Sudamérica una oportunidad para el crimen organizado? II Encuentro de las Ciencias Humanas y Tecnológicas para la integración en el Conosur Internacional del Conocimiento: Diálogos en nuestra América (Bogotá, Colombia).

Espona, María J. (2012). La guerra de las galaxias - La amenaza de las armas de destrucción masiva: ¿ficción o realidad? Revista Estrategas Año 2, Edición 20, Octubre 2012 (Colombia)

Espona, María J. (2012). Amenaza Transnacional de las Armas de Destrucción Masiva. 6° Panel de Expertos (Bogotá, Colombia)

Espona, María J. (2012). La amenaza de las armas de destrucción masiva: Ficción o realidad y sus efectos en la seguridad pública. VII Foro Regional de Seguridad Privada (Paipa, Colombia).

Espona, María J. (2012). Argentina: NBC Defense and Response System Capabilities. CBRNe South America 2012 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).

Espona, María J. (2011). “Disease surveillance and its importance in the BW context”. Available at: http://www.asanltr.com/newsletter/11-2/newsletter.htm

Espona, María J. (2011). Teaching Information Quality to non Information Quality Professionals: a case study in the Defense and Intelligence arena.Enterprise Data World, LatinAmerica – 2011 (Sao Paulo, Brazil).

Espona, María J. (2011). Education and BW: Still an Ongoing Work. Availableat: http://www.asanltr.com/newsletter/11-1/newsletter.htm

Espona, María J. (2011). "The heterogeneous distribution of technologies around the globe" - 12 January 2011, (http://www.bwpp.org/revcon-techinfluence.html)

Espona, María J. (2011). "Technology dissemination: an analysis of it dynamic" - 15 February 2011, (http://www.bwpp.org/revcon-techinfluence.html)

Espona, María J. (2011). "Technology flow, a systemic analysis" - 23 March 2011, (http://www.bwpp.org/revcon-techinfluence.html)

Espona, María J. (2010). Tracing Infectious Diseases in South America: an IQ Challenge. 15th International Conference on Information Quality. Little Rock, US.

Espona, María J. (2010). Epidemiology of Natural Diseases: a security matter? CBRNe World, Spring 2010. Pag. 88 -89.

Espona, María J. (2010). Argentina and Biological Controls. The Global Challenge of Biological Controls Working Group (Bath University and UNIDIR); Geneva, Switzerland.

Espona, María J. (2009). Nuclear Energy in South America. The Nuclear Forum: Nuclear Proliferation and Nuclear Energy; Amman, Jordan.

Espona, María J. (2007) (pseudon. María Helguera); Fear of the Unknown. CBRNeWorld, Spring 2007. pag. 30-31.

Espona, María J. (2007). Ciencia y Tecnología vs. Defensa y Seguridad: una perspectiva sudamericana. Revista de Asia y América Vol.7 N°1 (Mayo 2007). Instituto de Estudios de Asia y América. Universidad de Dankook, Seúl, Corea. Pag. 137

Espona, María J. (2006); Developments among International Scientific and Health Bodies on Dual-Use Issue. Presentation at the Controlling Dangerous Pathogens Project Regional Workshop on Dual-Use Research, Teresopolis, Brazil, December 2006. (http://www.cissm.umd.edu/papers/)

Espona, María J. (2006). Time in LEU. NCB International, Summer 2006. pag. 63-64.

Espona, María J. (2006). Accidents will happen… NBC International, Summer 2006. pag. 66-68.

Espona, María J. (2006). Biological Threat Agents: Elaboration of Control Lists to South America. Chemical and Biological Treatment Symposium, CBMTS VI (Spiez, Suiza).

Espona, María J. (2003). Information control and its relation with defense, proliferation and terrorism in the biological arena; Second Word Congress on Chemical, Biological and Radiological Terrorism, CBMTS - Industry III (Dubrovnik, Croatia).

Espona, María J. (2003). Las amenazas biológica y química (Chemical and BiologicasThreats); Nueva Inteligencia; Vol.1, Nro. 1 (Segunda época); Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Espona, María J. (2002). Challenges to the design of new detection devices; 2002 Joint Service Conference on Chemical and Biological Defense Research; Maryland; US.

Espona, María J. (2002). Argentina: Response to a Chemical - Biological Attack, The ASA Newsletter, 02-4, Issue Number 91.

Espona, María J., Jean Pascal Zanders and InekeMalsh (2018). The Dual-Use Dilemma: Raising Awareness among the Academic and Scientific Communities in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. 34th ISECON

Espona, María J. y Craig Fisher (2015). Teaching Information Quality to Professionals in Intelligence Government Agencies. 32th ISECON. http://proceedings.isecon.org/

Espona, María J. y Manuel Giavedoni Pita (2015). A “Cegueira Pregnante” Na Inteligência: Um Caso Histórico. Coleção Meira Mattos: Revistas Das Ciências Militares. Vol 9 (35). Pp. 421-432. http://www.eceme.ensino.eb.br/ meiramattos/index.php/RMM/ article/view/522

Espona, María J. y Malcolm Dando (2011) Dual-use bioethics for the life sciences: the development of a country specific short-course template and a trial application to Argentina. Available at: www.dual-usebioethics.net.

Espona, María J. y Gauna, E. (2010). Argentina andBiologicalControls. Europe and the Global Challenge of Biological Controls Working Group. Bath, 15-16 January 2010.

Espona, María J. y Santana, G. (2006). Going Loco. NBC International. Summer 2006. pag. 60-62.

Espona, María J. y Aladro, I (2005). CW terrorism: CW terrorism: a comparative analysis of the cases of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARCs) (low tech) and Aum Shinrikio (high tech). International Symposium on NBC Terrorism Defense (16 to 19 June, 2005, Choshi, Japón)

Espona, María J.; Aladro, I. y Santana, G. (2004). Response analysis in case of an agro terrorist attack: evaluation through scenarios methodology of risks and threats. NBC International.

Espona, María J. y Santana, G. (2004). Present and Future of CW threat in South America; Eighth International Symposium on Protection against Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents (Gothenburg, Sweden).

Espona, María J. y Santana, G. (2004). Present and Future of BW threat: an overview; Eighth International Symposium on Protection against Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents (Gothenburg, Sweden).

Espona, María J. y Santana, G. (2004). Present and Future of CW threat in South America; Chemical and Biological Treatment Symposium, CBMTS V (Spiez, Suiza).

Senini, Roberto, María J Esponaand Samanta Curti (2016). Constructivismo y estrategiaenlas relaciones internacionales. Parte i: politicas nucleares de confrontación. El caso de India y Pakistán. IEEE, Documento de Opinión 43/2016 del 5/5/2016. Availableat: http://www.ieee.es/Galerias/fichero/ docs_opinion/2016/DIEEEO43-2016_India-Pakistan _Senini-Curti-Espona.pdf

Zambrana, Pablo y María J Espona (2015). O uso de critérios de informação de qualidade para validação da informação geográfica aplicada ao mapeamento de produção. Data &Information. Vol 1 (1)

Giavedoni, Manuel, María J.Espona y Samanta Curti. El programa nuclear de Irán. Aplicación de lametodología de Calidad de Información. VII Congresodel IRI, I CongresodelCoFEI, II Congreso de la FLAEI. (La Plata, Argentina)

Giavedoni, Manuel y Espona, María J. (2012). Terrorismo “sucio”: ¿Un nuevo desafío para la seguridad privada? Revista Máxima Seguridad. http://www.maximaseguridad.co/ especiales/item/31-%E2%80%9Cterrorismo- %E2%80%9C sucio%E2%80%9D-%C2%BFun-nuevo-desaf%C3%ADo- para-la-seguridad-privada (Colombia)

Santana, Guilherme G. y Espona, María J. (2006).Agro-terrorism: a South America Perspective. Chemical and Biological Treatment Symposium, CBMTS VI (Spiez, Suiza).

Santana, Guilherme y Espona, María J. (2004). South America as a Source of BW agents; Chemical and Biological Treatment Symposium, CBMTS V (Spiez, Switzerland).

Bartolomé, Mariano y Espona, María J. (2003). Chemical and biological terrorism in Latin America: the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia; Second Chemical, Biological and Radiological Terrorism World Congress, CBMTS - Industry III (Dubrovnik, Croatia).



The activities developed by ArgIQ require both cooperation agreements and the establishment of formal and informal links with different national and international organizations, including Universities and other NGOs.
In 2017, ArgIQ signed a cooperation agreement with KRPOCH (Kharkiv regional public organization "CULTURE OF HEALTH") an Ukrainian non-profit organization that has been implementing educational, scientific, cultural programs for 12 years, as well as publishing scientific literature.



Using as starting point the information Quality principles, we give seminars designed specifically for the needs of the interested audience; and we also have a informative seminar to introduce the public to the topic.

Currently are available:

- Information Quality Seminar: an introduction (1 day, 8 hours)

- Intensive Seminar on Information Quality (2 days, 16 hours)

- Problem solution seminar (1 day, 8 hours)


We teach courses with both formats on site and online (we will have them the second half of 2015)

The courses are:

- Information quality Course (4 days, 32 hours)

- Information quality and strategic management Course (available in 2015)

- Problem-Solving Course (customized according to the needs)

- Strategic Natural Resources (4 days, 32 hours)

- Strategic Intelligence (4 days, 32 hours)


Congresses Organization

October - 2nd IQ Summit in Argentina (Buenos Aires, Argentina), with the participation of Michael Mielke (Germany) and Rossano Tavares (Brazil).

December - Challenges to the scientific and technologic progress: round table on nuclear cooperation: Case study: Argnetina – Brazil (Buenos Aires, Argentina); with the participation of Nicholas Wheeler (UK) and Matias Spector (Brazil).

October - 1st Argentinean Congress on the Scientific and Technological Progress: Biological Nucleus (Buenos Aires, Argentina); with the participation of Maslcolm Dando (UK), Marie Chevrier (US) and Gwyn Winfield (UK).

August - 1st IQ Summit in Argentina (Buenos Aires, Argentina); with the participation of Yang Lee (US), Leo Pipino (US) and Michael Mielke (Germany).

Congresses Participation

December - 19th Session of the Conference of States parties of the chemical Weapons Convention (The Hague, Netherlands)

November - VII Institute for International Relations Congress (La Plata, Argentina)

October - I Qualitative Research in Social Sciences Congress- I Post Congress ICIQ (Córdoba, Argentina)

May NMP-DeLa (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

March - II Encuentro de las Ciencias Humanas y Tecnológicas para la integración en el Conosur Internacional del Conocimiento: Diálogos en nuestra América (Bogotá, Colombia).

November - 10° German Conference on IQ Management (Bad Soden am Tunus, Germany)

6° Panel de Expertos. La Seguridad: retos y oportunidades en un mercado globalizado (Bogota, Colombia)

October - 8° Seminario de Ciudades Fortificadas (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

September - VII Foro Regional de Seguridad Privada (Paipa, Colombia)

March - CBRNe South America 2012 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).

November - 16th International Conference on Information Quality (Adelaida, Australia)

October - 1era Reunión de Calidad de Información en Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia)

August - Interseg (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

August - Enterprise Data World, Latin America – 2011 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

July - MIT 2011 Information Quality Industry Symposium (Cambridge, US)

November - 15th International Conference on Information Quality (Little Rock, EEUU)

July - MIT 2010 Information Quality Industry Symposium (Cambridge, EEUU)

April - The Global Challenge of Biological Controls Working Group (Ginebra, Suiza)

January - Europe and the Global Challenge of Biological Controls Working Group (Bath, Gran Bretaña)



María José Espona

Dr. in Criminology (University of Granada, Spain), Master in Terrorism Studies (UNIR, Spain), Lic. In Biology (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina). She is an expert in of chemical and biological weapons and in information quality topics.

Eduardo Gauna

Naval Aviator, former Malvinas Combatant. Master in Human Resources. Postgraduate course management and lecturer in Strategic Intelligence.

Jorge R. Bergallo

Bachelor of Naval Systems, BA in History, Magister in IR and PhD in Political Science.

Manuel Carlos Giavedoni Pita

Industrial Engineer, graduated from the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires (ITBA). Master in National Defense (Edena).

Pedro Rozenwurcel

Lawyer, Specialist in Strategic Intelligence Analysis, Specialist in Geographic Information Systems and Master in Public Security.


To María J. Espona

2022 Corporate LiveWire Global, from the United Kingdom, awarded Maria J Espona the Most innovative short courses provider

2016 Reconocimiento Iberoamericano a la excelencia educativa (mención estudiante), Eduaction21 (Miami, EEUU).

2015 Best Paper Award: Teaching Information Quality to Professionals in Intelligence Government Agencies- 32th ISECON, Orlando (EEUU).

2011 Award in Recognition of Outstanding Contribution to Argentina Information Quality, by the MIT IQ Program.

2010 Leadership Award by the MIT IQ Program.

To Jorge R. Bergallo

2021 Dr. Jorge R Bergallo received recognition from the University of Belgrano President for his teaching work at the Institution. More info

Co-directors María José Espona mariaespona@argiq.com.ar Eduardo Gauna eduardogauna@argiq.com.ar
Contact Telephone (54911) 4408 - 6718 (54911) 4435 - 7585
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